Emoji is the fastest growing language in the UK, with a whopping 92% of the online population using them to express what they’re trying to say, according to the 2016 Emoji Report.
Footballing superstar Paul Pogba recently became the first player to get his own emoji, even printing them on his pair of boots, while the trend for eating smashed avocado resulted in one too. So it’s unsurprising that another campaign has started, this time for a bagel emoji!
Despite us Brits consuming over 320 million bagels each year, bagels are yet to make the digital leap.To celebrate the wonderful bagel and appropriately mark National Bagel Day today (9th February), the New York Bakery Co. is launching a campaign to demand the introduction of the bagel emoji. Sign the petition: BIT.LY/BAGELEMOJI
12 things you probably didn’t know about bagels
Brits LOVE bagels. In fact, we love them so much we munch through a massive 80 million packs of bagels a year. So, with National Bagel Day right around the corner, we’re celebrating by revealing 12 fun facts from New York Bagel Co. you probably didn’t know about these doughy delights!
1. Make bagels not war
Bagels actually originated in Poland 400 years ago. During the middle of a civil war. Which is pretty impressive. Baking and fighting all at once.
2. Empire State bagel
In the UK we eat over 320 million bagels a year. Stacked up they’d measure approx. 1,920,600 metres. That’s the same height as 4,335 Empire State Buildings!
3. Bagels in space
In 2008, astronaut Gregory Chamitoff went to the International Space Station with 18 sesame bagels as part of his personal cargo allowance. The bagels came from his cousin’s bakery in Montreal.
4. Bagel bullion
New York City is home to the world’s most expensive bagel costing a whopping $1,000 dollars, topped with white truffles and gold leaf grape jelly!
5. Tennisn’t
If you suck at tennis you’ll be hearing about bagels an awful lot. The term bagel is not just a delicious doughy treat, it’s also used to refer to losing a set 6-0. Now that’s one bagel you don’t want served to you.
6. Bread bath
Unlike ALL other breads, bagels are boiled and then baked, giving them their signature glossy exterior and distinctive soft texture. Yum!
7. Double bagelspresso
Buzzed bagels were invented by molecular scientist Robert Bohannon and have the same amount of caffeine as two cups of coffee. You’ll never have to eat and drink separately again.
8. Holey moley
The hole in the middle of the bagel isn’t just there for decoration. It allows the bagel to cook faster and increases its surface area, leading to more of that chewy crust that bagel connoisseurs love. Who knew?
9. Speakin’ bagel
The word bagel (bay-gul) derives from the German word ‘bougel’ meaning ‘bracelet’ – not sure they would be at their best on your wrist, but whatever floats your boat!
10. Mythbusting
You don’t have to toast a bagel; they come ready to eat so for those in rush you can grab and go!
11. One in a million
New York Bakery Co. have been known to produce one million bagels in just a single day!
12. The rule breaker
There is no end to what you can put on a bagel; the rule is unwritten allowing you to be as daring or conservative as you like.