Following the phenomenal success of the critically acclaimed 2014 television mini-series based on the early life of national treasure Cilla Black, her legend lives on with real gusto thanks to the spectacular stage re-telling of her journey written by BAFTA winner Jeff Pope. Remembered as one of Britain’s best-loved entertainers of all time, back in the Swinging Sixties it was a different story. The nervous wannabe songster longing for stardom who followed her dream made the perfect heart-warming rags-to-riches tale, littered with much-loved songs and stunning vocals.
The renewed celebration of the iconic and loved Liverpudlian not only captures her phenomenal connection with the public and radiating personality, it also explores her diva moments. Not only did Kara Lily Hayworth sing like Cilla and carry her mannerisms, Hayworth’s every number was delivered with such passion and flair, but needless to say that her rendition of Anyone Who Had a Heart was the show stopper, receiving the loudest applause from the awe-struck crowd. A formidable choice, and similarly to Cilla, she stole every heart in the room.
Stand-out performances don’t stop at Hayworth, throughout the casting there are strong contributions. The dark subplot of Cilla’s manager Brian Epstein revealed his downwards spiral in an outstanding performance by Andrew Lancel and Alexander Patmore portrays a fantastic Bobby, fully embracing his role and creating an endearing character.
Transporting you back in time to the 1960s, this fantastic throwback is a wonderful tribute to Cilla and one we would certainly see again. When it comes to Cilla the Musical, you really do have a lorra lorra fun.
Presented by Bill Kenwright Ltd.
Performances running until 20th October, tickets are still available to buy online at