The seasons are changing and the soggy weather is upon us. JLife ventures to the bottom of the garden to prepare it for next year…
Harvest season has arrived and now is the time start planning ahead to what your garden could become in 2017, but it can be tricky to know where to start. To help make autumnal gardening easier, JLife has some top expert tips to get you started, plus check out the pick of the products to make your garden gorgeous.
Ask the Expert
Nicky Roeber is online horticultural expert for nationwide Wyevale Garden Centres. Here, he explains how to make the most of our garden in the coming months.
Fallen leaves, spent bedding plants, and weeds all make autumn a great time to start composting. Plus, starting a heap now means you could have nutrient-rich compost to nourish your garden come spring.
If you have a large volume of leaves, making leafmould – nature’s soil conditioner – is also a good option. Whatever you do, don’t allow disease and pest-friendly sodden leaves to build up.
The relatively warm and moist soil of autumn is perfect for planting shrubs, trees and perennials. Soak the rootball in a bucket for around an hour beforehand, and keep a circle of clear earth around new and established plants so that moisture can seep through.
Dig Deep
Get green-fingered among the golden autumn leaves with these tools of the trade.
If you are composting…
Bucket Lust
This bucket will keep your compost under control with this bucket from Garden Trading. The seal tight lid ensures no smells escape and its 10 litre capacity means it can create a substantial heap.
Scoop of the Day
This compost scoop has been designed by Sophie Conran, interiors expert, cook and author, and sister to fashion designer Jasper. It has been crafted to allow for shovelling the right amount of compost into pots without causing mess.
From £16.95
Going Potty
Make sure your seedlings get off to a great start with this pretty bench. Made from pine wood and featuring a durable zinc top, it offers the ultimate way to get your potting in order.
Practical Magic
This 9 litre Charlie Dimmock garden bucket is the ideal size for soaking the rootball of your perennials – and the price is a bargain!