In Your Shoes
When today’s buyers look around, they want to imagine your home as theirs. When selling your home, don’t put up too many pictures of family and friends – it comes across as too personal and will make it hard for buyers to imagine themselves living there.
One of the easiest ways you can make a great impression is by splashing a new coat of paint on the walls – a neutral colour scheme makes the room look cleaner and give buyers a blank canvas to work with. Make sure that your wallpaper isn’t peeling – a key indicator of damp which could play on a viewer’s mind if seen.
Quick Fix
Make a list of any little maintenance jobs you think might bother you if you were buying a property, whether that’s fixing rattling doorknob, or replacing cracked tiles. Squeaky floorboards are easy to overlook as you’re probably used to the noise, however, a potential buyer could see it as a hidden issue and may start to think about other unseen problems. For a simple fix, add a dry lubricant to the boards causing the issue.
But don’t think you have to completely redesign your home; the cost of tools and materials can add up and the last thing you want to do is spend more money than you gain from increasing its value.
Get Fruity
You don’t need a hallway full of plinths depicting Roman Gods to impress buyers, so keep the interior decor simple. A vase filled with flowers and a full fruit bowl will add a little colour to your property while giving the feeling your house is lived in and cared for.
Consider the psychology behind the colours: a bouquet of violet chrysanthemums could create a feeling of calmness in potential buyers, while a bowl full of vibrant, red apples can help stimulate the mind and encourage people to take action. Just make sure nothing is wilted or rotten!
Appeal to the Senses
It’s one thing for your house to look inviting, but to really make a good impression, your home needs to feel inviting, too. Start by having a freshly brewed pot of coffee to offer your guests, and if you’re handy in the kitchen, it doesn’t hurt to have some cookies or a fresh loaf baking in the oven.
If the last loaf of bread you baked came out as a lump of coal, try changing your bedsheets. The smell of fresh bedding is something that’s universally loved, and makes each room feel clean and cared for.
Music has been thoroughly proven to influence our behaviours and the right tune can create the perfect atmosphere when preparing your property for sale. Put together a playlist of easy-listening, down-tempo songs, and your potential buyers will relax and take their time when checking out your property.
Jane Thompson – Interior Stylist
Breathing Space
Giving the idea of space is one of the most important aspects of presenting the ideal interior to a prospective buyer. Simplify the existing decor if your taste is not minimal, putting away any unnecessary pieces that you’ve been meaning to get rid of, but haven’t got around to yet. Remember, your buyer could have much more stuff than you, therefore they need to visualise their stuff in your space.
If you have wacky colour ways that worked for you, rest assured this will not work for someone else. Go magnolia or a have a soft hue run throughout – this will make your interiors appear clean and spacious.
First Impressions
Always make each room visitor ready, as you only get one chance to make the perfect impression. Clean all the areas that you think one doesn’t see – because you can guarantee an eagle-eyed buyer will.
The exterior is as important as the interior. Add flowerpots, power clean the drive and hide away any kids stuff. A prospective buyer will pass by the property unannounced and if the outside looks cluttered or a little dishevelled, this could be the difference between the buyer making an appointment and giving it a miss.
You may need to invest in revamping your interiors, but ensure what you spend to achieve your perfect ‘home for sale’, isn’t at the expense of making a profit when selling your home.