David Jacobs has been a physiotherapist for over 20 years and after seeing a gap in the community, has recently started running exercise groups for men. Although there are many gyms and fitness establishments, few run male only classes.
David provides different classes, including a falls prevention and beginner’s exercise group for over 50s and two intermediate exercise groups for younger age groups. There may well be further choice of days and times depending on the demand for the service in the future.
The classes combine cardiovascular work for the heart and lungs with a section of stretching and strengthening work incorporating David’s Pilates training.
Conditions Treated:
- Back Pain & Sciatica
- Neck Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Arthritic Pain
- Post Operative Rehab
Treatments Offered:
- Mobilisation & Manipulation
- Soft Tissue Release & Massage
- Acupuncture
- Electrotherapy
- Exercise Therapy
Find out more at: www.firstchoicephysio.com
- Phone – 07779 132 157
- Email – davidphysio2000@gmail.com