This Is My Pajamakah Shirt
Perfect for celebrating Chanukah at home, this lightweight cotton printed tee should bring a chuckle to the whole family when we all need it most.
Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf
In this delightfully whimsical holiday tale, an elf named Shmelf takes a journey from Santa’s grotto to discover all the joys of Chanukah.
Dinosaur Menorah
You can’t go wrong with some Judaica, especially when it’s as fun as this golden menorah shaped like a tyrannosaurus rex.
Mensch on a Bench
The Jewish alternative to Elf on the Shelf, this plush talking toy of Moshe the Mensch comes out with 20 choice Yiddish phrases we’ve all heard before – ‘Oy vey, will you stop noshing before dinner!’
Kids Dreidel Costume
Get your little ones all in a spin with this blue and yellow dreidel costume – and when the festive season ends, stash in the wardrobe for the perfect Purim getup.
Chanukah Stocking
Just because we celebrate Chanukah, doesn’t mean we can’t have a stocking! Reminiscent of a certain festive figure, this jolly Rabbi spreads some tongue-in-cheek Chanukah cheer.