Manchester dentist Dr David Cohen has led a life stranger than fiction, causing him to put pen to paper and share with the world his funny, unusual, and unbelievable tales.
David Cohen was born and raised in Manchester, his career in dental practice spans almost fifty years, most recently specialising in endodontics, but along the way he has been a postman, an unofficial tour guide and a chauffeur.
Although his patients might see Dr David Cohen as just a dentist, he is also a grandpa, a motorcyclist, a pescetarian, an advanced motorist, an offshore boat captain, and a pilot who has no head for heights. He is also a collector. His collections are many and varied, some quite unusual, but the one that’s most evident here is his life-long gathering of anecdotes. These have sprung from his college days and work life, in which a patient or colleague might take the lead role, such as the unfortunate lady patient he was accused of murdering; they have evolved from his many business trips, describing some pretty hair-raising possibilities, including being eaten alive by giant lizards in the desert scape of Arizona, and finding himself engulfed in the flames of a burning hotel when he slept through the fire alarm.
As David tells all in his book, his travels on life’s crazy-paved path have provided him with many tales to tell, and when he has regaled those he met along the way with these little stories, (every one of which is true) some have told him, “Oh, you should write a book!”. And now he has.
A Mouthful of Humour by David Cohen is available from Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers Ltd