Welcoming new private patients!
Dental Excellence Harewood in Leeds offers a wide range of private general and advanced dental services. You can contact us directly to become a patient, or alternatively we accept referrals from other dentists for complex treatments.
We’re passionate about smiles and firmly believe that everyone deserves a confident smile that they can be proud of.

Coming to Dental Excellence Harewood in Leeds is a very special experience. We’re located within the unique surroundings of one of the finest 18th Century Georgian Mansions in the world, situated in the grounds of the magnificent Harewood House in Yorkshire. If you’re looking for high quality dentistry in luxurious, relaxing surroundings get in touch with our experienced team.
Call us at: 0113 218 1919
Find out more at: https://www.bupa.co.uk/dental/dental-care/practices/platinum-dental-excellence-harewood
Facebook: @dentalexcellence.harewood
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