Here at Holly House Vets – Exotics we are a hard-working and enthusiastic team of veterinary professionals waiting to care for and treat all exotic pets.
We see a wide range of species from commonly kept mammals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, to reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.
Whatever your question, our expert exotics team are likely to have an answer!
Services include:
- Purpose built exotic only consultation rooms
- Separate waiting areas for predator and prey species
- Separate dedicated predator, prey, and isolation hospital wards with vivaria, accommodation for larger species of reptiles, birds and small mammals, and equipped with appropriate UV lighting, heating, and species-specific food
- State-of-the-art surgical suite and specialised equipment including surgical instrumentation, diagnostic imaging (radiography and access to CT scanning, endoscopy and ultrasonography) and lab testing

To find out more visit:
Facebook: @hollyhousevets
Twitter: @HollyHouseVets
Instagram: @HollyHouseVets