The show charts a talented group of male singers from the 1950/60s in New Jersey, who’s rise to fame as the Four Seasons mainly resulted from the brilliant writing of Bob Gaudio for the singing of Frankie Valli, this show is a must see for fans of music (or not), with many timeless songs performed in a brilliantly entertaining updated production of a classic musical.
‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’, ‘Can’t Take my Eyes of You’ and ‘Walk Like a Man’ just a few of the foot tapping numbers on offer. These boys came from a tough place, their music saving them from a life of crime. Michael Pickering is brilliant as Valli, what a range, while Dalton Wood as Tommy DeVito is the band leader, not without his personal problems, Blair Gibson plays sensitive Bob Gaudio is played by Blair Gibson and Lewis Griffiths is Nick Massi. All play their part to the top level surrounded by sheer talent.
The backing troop is awesome too, as the story unfolds and the band evolves from playing the soulless clubs to the arenas, the band, backing singers and dancers carefully choreographed (Sergio Trujillo) and the costume department are worthy of mention too in some elaborate sets, the audience lapped it up as the talented group executed, often while performing to TV cameras back to audience. With all the emotions superbly portrayed, this is truly one heck of a show, you really won’t be takingyour eyes off.
Try and catch this show as it tours, you won’t be disappointed, fun, fabulous and musically brilliant.