The North Manchester Ladies Jewish Drama Group proudly brought to the stage Chitty Chitty Balagan, a unique production inspired by the classic tale of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Directed by Marilyn Bar-Ilan with musical direction by Lisa Jacobs and choreography by Sara Shipman, the show ran from 3rd March to 5th March at the North Manchester Co-op Academy.
The production was a vibrant celebration of the talent in our community exclusively featuring and intended for ladies and girls ranging in age from eight to 80 and from a wide range of religious backgrounds. It offered a rare and wonderful opportunity for participants to engage in the arts, many of whom have never had the chance to perform in front of an audience: “I’ve always dreamt of being on stage since I was a little girl,” one adult cast member told us.
“Chitty Chitty Balagan” was not just a theatrical event; it was a six-month journey of growth and connection. It was written with the purpose of creating a vehicle to include big song and dance numbers, for the large cast size. Lyrics were ‘koshered’ and the dance sequences made suitable for a range of abilities.
Throughout the rehearsal process, performers built confidence and forged lasting friendships, transforming the stage into a place where the magic of community truly came to life.
Each night, the drama group supported a different charity, reinforcing the production’s message of giving back. JAMH (Jewish Action for Mental Health), Lev Simcha, and Chai Cancer Care all benefitted. As the show received high praise from the three nights of packed audiences, who were captivated by the reimagined storyline, the performances, and the overall truly cross-communal and ‘achdut’ spirit of the event.
“I had the chance to meet people and learn something new; it made it such fun,” said Shari, aged 11. While Kayla, also aged 11, commented: “It was great getting to know people from other schools and taking part kept me busy.”