The joint UJIA and JRC Leadership Programme has kicked off, teaching practical leadership skills to candidates across the community.
Recently, our community saw the launch of the UJIA and JRC Leadership Programme. Historically, UJIA have run the programme for over ten years resulting in numerous graduates taking positions of responsibility in communal organisations.
Many people had a hand in setting up the programme, including Yael Mohaliver Brif, Carmel Berke, and Ben Shapiro from UJIA. Huge credit is also given Deborah Britstone from the JRC and especially Anat Caspi Kaivanto who has worked tirelessly to design the sessions and recruit for the course.
The programme includes amazing candidates from across our diverse community. Participants will have the dual benefit of learning practical leadership skills while being informed of the JRC’s communal infrastructure. This will ensure they are best placed to join an organisation of their choosing at board level upon graduation.
The launch event allowed for the participants to hear from and speak with communal leaders including Mark Adlestone (JRC), Amanda Bomsztyk (Community Security Trust (CST), Bernie Yaffe (THE FED) and Nici Wertheim nee Matlow (UJIA) about their personal journeys and thoughts on what makes an effective leader.