The world-renowned sculptor, Frances Segelman, sculpted a bust of Holocaust survivor and My Voice storyteller, Marianne Philipps. Most famous for her sculptures of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles
III, more recently Frances has turned to sculpting Holocaust survivors.
At the age of 99, facilitated by The Fed and Yad Vashem UK, Marianne made the journey from Manchester to London to sit for the sculpture. She was the first survivor from Manchester to be sculpted by Frances Segelman.
Marianne commented: “It was amazing, wonderful! A real one-off experience. that doesn’t come everyone’s way, so I am very lucky. We didn’t talk much as she had to concentrate while she was working, and I had enough sense not to talk either and let her focus.
“There were lots of photographers around, but I took no notice and stayed frozen. So many people were there, including the head of Yad Vashem UK. It was a fabulous trip and I enjoyed it very much.”