After Your Own Heart
Whether it’s to drop a dress size or bulk up at the gym, the most common New Year’s resolutions centre around bodily improvement. Rather than setting a desire goal weight, make it your resolution to love your current physique and build on your body confidence. Focus on what you are proud of as well as what you are set to change.
A Change Of Pace
Walking is one of the easiest ways to get more active in the New Year but finding the time to fit in a few extra steps can be tricky. Try taking a more proactive approach to your commute by getting off a stop early, park at the opposite side of the car park or simply go for a leisurely stroll on your lunch break. It’s a great way to help clear your head, reduce spending and shift a few mince pies!
Food for Thought
Channel your inner Nigella and opt for a fresh palate to build your culinary confidence. Start with exploring the scope of the veg and fruit aisle and substitute one of your usual buys for an unfamiliar one, or attempt a new dish and impress your nearest and dearest. There are tons of available online tools to help guide and inspire you.
Sippable Expenses
Relying heavily upon your daily caffeine intake for that much-needed energy boost can become costly. With coffee chains constantly hiking their prices up, substituting coffee for tap water will help save a few pennies over 2019. For the frappe fanatics who refuse to trade in their cup of Joe, keep a travel cup at hand as popular coffee shops are rewarding consumers with discount to encourage the reuse of cups to reduce waste.
Call Time On
It’s easy to fall victim to the world of social media or constantly checking those work emails out of habit. Put your phone out of sight for at least an hour every day to give your present company your full attention and clear your mind.