Find out about a new green revolution taking place in Alwoodley.
Alwoodley 2030: Climate Action Hub is a new, very local group of people who are taking community- driven approaches to addressing three major intersecting challenges of our time: climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and increasing inequity.
This is one of several local community hubs that are part of the wider Climate Action Leeds initiative, Alwoodley 2030 is one of several local climate action hubs across the city. Importantly, Alwoodley 2030 is a non- political group and is highly inclusive.
Alwoodley ward is key to helping Leeds meet its zero-carbon ambition as it consumes more energy and food, and as a result, has higher emissions, than most of the other wards in the city. This means that if we are aggressive in our local community – by making our homes more energy efficient and shifting away from fossil fuels, changing the way we consume and dispose of food, and changing the way we travel, we can make a significant difference to helping the city reach its target. Some of these challenges are very complex, and some really aren’t. The best part is that local action is incredibly positive, rewarding and connects us with amazing people who care about our local community and all living beings within it. Below are some of the projects the organisation is working on:
Developing a sustainable food culture:
- Community Orchards. Community Veg Growing, Community Composting. Next Meeting 6th June
Promoting healthy, active local travel:
- Active Travel Party as part of Leeds 2023 celebrations – 9th July at the King Lane Park and Ride. Also look out for the Campaign on Air Pollution, Congestion and the School Run.
Making our homes healthier and more energy efficient
- Home Retrofit Workshop for Homeowners on 13th June
- Workshop for tradespeople on pathways for gaining green construction/retrofit skills on 13th June.
Nature Recovery
- Putting the Woods Back in Alwoodley: Street Tree Planting and Woodland Creation (Next meeting to be confirmed)
- Developing a Nature Recovery Network. We aim to convene all existing nature- based organisations to come up with a local strategy to restore our local natural habitat.
The group has also welcome new Steering Committee members: Susie Gordon (Chair), Usama Ahmed, Cath Taylor, Liz Watson, Stephanie Clark, Paul Magnall, Simon Philips and Cherry Tucker.
To join in on any of these projects or attend any events, please keep an eye on the Facebook group at alwoodley2030. The Hub Worker for the project is Jennifer Walper Roberts who is contactable at