JLife looks at some cool pressie ideas for the kids this Chanukah.
Chocolate Coin Machine | £21.99
Instead of giving out chocolate coins this Chanukah, why not let your children make their own? This machine from John Adams Toys lets you melt, mould, and stamp your own chocolate coins. All you have to do is melt the chocolate, and then the kids can use the interactive machine to mould it into coins, put the foil on, and stamp it into shape!
Cuckooland Le Toy Van Showtime Puppet Theatre | £149.95
This classic wooden theatre features red stage drapes, a black backdrop curtain and a fully[1]functioning winding act curtain, just like the real thing! To one side, there is a stage door and two chalkboards perfect for writing showtimes on. The theatre even has a little snack and ticket window! Get the family together and watch your little darlings put on a show.
Four Classic Boardgames | £13.34
What better way to get the family together than over a friendly boardgame or two. This set includes four classic games that can be played over two game boards. Play chess or draughts on one board, or ludo and snakes and ladders on the other. The boards are wooden, so they can handle the occasional bump that comes from a family game night.
LEGO Medium Creative Brick Box | £24.99
Lego is fun for children and big kids alike! There’s just something about the creative potential of a bunch of brightly coloured bricks that can keep you building for hours. While Lego’s themed kits are fun, they can be a bit pricey, and require extensive instructions to put together. This basic brick box gives the kids all the fun of building without any of the restrictions.
Cupcake Menorah | £29.99
Perhaps a more religious gift is in order, and what better way to get you children in touch with their faith than by giving them their own little menorah. This one from Aisenthal Judaica looks good enough to eat! Brightly coloured, and (let’s be honest) adorable, this menorah is the perfect way to get your children interested in the meaning of the holiday.